What will happen to my Discord access after renewing my subscriptions (UIP/OTP)?

Our paid-subscriptions (Ultimate Investors Playbook and Options Tactics Playbook) are based on yearly basis. This comes with support discussion with Discord application as well!

 Any idea what will happen to your Discord access when you renew your subscription? The article below might help you understand how it works.


Scenario A:

If you renew your subscription (UIP/OTP) before your subscription expiry date, your Discord access to the community will be extended automatically. In other words, you may not need to follow up with the Discord Bot for extension access.



The existing subscription expires on 5 May 2022, and you renew your subscription before 5 May 2022.


Scenario B:

In any case, you renew your subscription (UIP/OTP) after the expiry date, you will need to start up the Piranha Profits Discord Bot again to access the Discord group discussion and channels. 

How do I do it? Simple, just follow the steps below. 


Step 1: Open your Discord app in your device and switch on your Direct Message in the Piranha Profits server.

  1. Right click on the Piranha Profits button on the left side of your screen.
  2. Click on Privacy Settings.
  3. Switch on the Direct Message. 

Step 2: Interact with the Piranha Profits Bot in the Welcome Message screen.

  1. Click on the Welcome Message tab on your channels.
  2. Tap Piranha Profits Bot and follow the instructions accordingly.

Step 3: Once you have clicked on the Bot, you will see the Bot interact with you. Type in “?help” on the field below and press Enter.

Step 4: The Bot reply to you shortly with a few instructions. Please follow the steps accordingly.

  1. Type in your registered email address with Piranha Profits in the message field.
  2. Once you have typed in your registered email address in the message field, press Enter. The Token verification will be sent to your registered email address instantly.
  3. Copy the Token verification from the email you have received to the Bot message field.

The Bot will be adding you to the channels after you have submitted your unique Token verification to the Bot. Please read the disclaimer section and agree on the terms and conditions. To acknowledge, please press the “✅”.

Please note that the Token verification will expire in 10 mins. If you did not receive any Token verification in your inbox, you may want to check your spam/junk folder


If you need any further assistance, do not hesitate to email us to support@piranhaprofits.com and our team will be at our best to assist you. 

Thank you for your continuous support and Keep Winning!