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  2. Robo Trading
  3. RoboRay - Reconfiguration FAQ

How do I unlink my RoboRay IB account and link it to another IB account?

1. Log in to https://robotrader.piranhaprofits.com. Then navigate to Dashboard.

2. Open RoboRay dashboard by clicking 'Access Roboray'

3. Please navigate to the Virtual Machine by clicking “Access your VM” on robo.piranhaprofits.com Dashboard.

4. Please close IB Driver / IB Gateway application running in the VM.

5. Activate AutoInvestDesktop application. Navigate to Settings Menu.

6. Please ensure to note down your AutoInvestDesktop Basic & Advanced trade settings configuration since the next step cannot be undone.

7. Under AutoInvestDesktop application, click Help > Reset All Settings

8. Re-launch IB Driver and this time, connect with the correct username.

9. Re-launch AutoInvest Desktop application and follow the connection steps.



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