1. Help Center
  2. Robo Trading
  3. RoboRay - Reconfiguration FAQ

How often do I need to go to the portal to reconnect?

1. If the 2FA is enabled for both trading and account management, every Monday from 5 PM Singapore Time onwards you will need to re-login and input 2FA to reconnect

2. If the 2FA is not enabled for trading (account management 2FA only), the connection will persists


In the rare instance of disconnection due to OS failure / IB Gateway crash / cloud maintenance causing server restart:

1. Users with 2FA for trading will be notified of such disconnection and is required to re-login with 2FA.

2. Users without 2FA for trading will be automatically reconnected without needing to go into the portal.

(Update: Starting from 30 November 2022, the broker will impose 2FA on all accounts for the trading session and therefore 2FA could no longer be disabled. User would require to re-login once a week on Monday to re-establish the session with 2FA and the session will persists through the entire week)


Should you encounter any other issue (e.g. Virtual Machine not responding), please contact support@piranhaprofits.com for technical assistance.


Any materials presented in this help center are provided to you for informational purposes on the technical aspects of the software solution only and do not constitute financial advice, investment advice, trading advice or any other advice or recommendation of any sort given or endorsed by Piranha Profits Pte Ltd. Piranha Profits Pte Ltd also provides no guarantee that such information and publications are accurate, up to date or applicable to the circumstances of any particular case.