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  2. Robo Trading
  3. RoboRay - Robot Behavior FAQs

How often does RoboRay trade? How come there is no signal within past xxx weeks?

RoboRay statistically makes an average of 6 trade per months. However as this is an average, there may be months where RoboRay may be less active / more active. This is statistically possible and it was reflected on the historical transactions:

1. This could be seen on simulation of the equity curve

2. The historical transactions are available under My Robots -> Historical -> Historical Orders 
e.g. for the picture below, there are no entries for entire month of September 2019, only exits are present

Similarly there are no entry trades for the whole month of July 2018

Statistically, the number of trades has no correlation with the return. There are circumstances where a lesser number of trades yield higher returns and vice versa.



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