Important Notes about Forex Position Sizing

  1. No Matter Where You Place Your Stop-Loss, Always Be Consistent with Your Risk Per Trade

Remember this: Regardless of where you place your stop-loss, whether it’s 10 pips away or 100 pips away, your risk should always remain the same.

You can’t say things like, “This is going to be a winner, I’m going to risk 3%.” “I’m not too confident with this other trade, so I’ll risk 1%.” No, it doesn’t work this way.

Once you decide on your risk per trade, such as 1%, you must risk 1% for every trade.

  1. Always Determine Your Stop-Loss Before Calculating the Number of Lots to Trade

Depending on the strategy and the specific candlestick pattern of the trade, you place your stop-loss at different distances (usually below the previous low of the candle).

So you must always determine your stop-loss first, then calculate the number of lots to trade to keep your risk consistent.

  1. The Number of Lots to Trade Is Inversely Proportionate to Your Stop-Loss

The farther your stop-loss, the smaller the number of lots that you trade. The nearer the stop-loss, the greater the number of lots that you trade, with your risk staying constant.