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  2. Robo Trading
  3. RoboRay - Setup Verification FAQ

What should I do if the robot is not running?

There are several causes where the robot is not running:

1. Disconnected on weekend:  No action required because IB is doing Server maintenance during weekends.

2. Disconnected on trading days for users with Trading 2FA enabled:

Re-login to the IB account is required before the US market opens. Please:

1) Log in your account on https://robotrader.piranhaprofits.com/

2) Navigate to RoboRay portal by clicking “Access Roboray” under Dashboard

3) Open the Virtual Machine by clicking 'Access your VM' button under RoboRay portal dashboard.
4) re-enter IB credentials on IB Gateway and solve the 2FA challenge. Then wait for about 1 minute for the connection to automatically re-established.

5) On the AutoInvest application’s Dashboard inside the Virtual Machine, ensure that the toggle button on Robot Linking section is switched ON.

3. Disconnected on trading days between 9 AM (GMT+8) to 3 PM(GMT+8) For users with Trading 2FA disabled:

No action is required as the IB Driver will automatically connect back before the US market opens.

4. Disconnected on trading days before 9 AM (GMT+8) or after 3 PM(GMT+8) For users with Trading 2FA disabled:

Please follow the guide in Step 2 to re-login to the IB account, or send email to support@piranhaprofits.com

(Update: Starting from 30 November 2022, the broker will impose 2FA on all accounts for the trading session and therefore 2FA could no longer be disabled. User would require to re-login once a week on Monday to re-establish the session with 2FA and the session will persists through the entire week. Refer to step 2 of this article on how to do so)

5. Where some trades are not executed despite fully established connection, check the configuration of the Trading Parameters under Settings -> Robot Settings, both the Simple and Advanced tab. A deliberate stopping of execution under Simple tab or fully invested position may prevent the trades from being executed.



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