1. Help Center
  2. Robo Trading
  3. RoboRay - Initial Setup FAQs

Where to access RoboRay?

Log in to https://robotrader.piranhaprofits.com/. After logging in successfully, proceed to click on “Dashboard”.

Step 1:

Step 1

Step 2:

Step 2

Step 3:

It should redirect you to the page below.

Please refer to "RoboTrader's Tutorial Video" in the course to set up RoboTrader.


If you still encounter any issues, please email the team at support@piranhaprofits.com.



Any materials presented in this help center are provided to you for informational purposes on the technical aspects of the software solution only and do not constitute financial advice, investment advice, trading advice or any other advice or recommendation of any sort given or endorsed by Piranha Profits Pte Ltd. Piranha Profits Pte Ltd also provides no guarantee that such information and publications are accurate, up to date or applicable to the circumstances of any particular case.