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  2. Robo Trading
  3. RoboRay - Setup Verification FAQ

My RoboRay appears disconnected? How to reconnect it back?

There are several cases where the robot got disconnected:

1) Disconnection happens during weekends:

No need to reconnect. It is a normal scenario that IB is doing a server maintenance and restart during this period. IB Driver would ensure that the session stays connected afterwards, given that the 2FA for trading session has been disabled (refer here on how to do so: https://help.piranhaprofits.com/knowledge/what-kind-of-2fa-options-are-available-how-to-disable-2fa-for-trading-software-why-cant-i-disable-it-for-account-management)

2) Disconnected on trading days between 9 AM (GMT+8) to 3 PM(GMT+8): 

No need to reconnect. It is a normal scenario that IB is doing a server maintenance and restart during this period. IB Driver would ensure that the session stays connected afterwards, given that the 2FA for trading session has been disabled (refer here on how to do so: https://help.piranhaprofits.com/knowledge/what-kind-of-2fa-options-are-available-how-to-disable-2fa-for-trading-software-why-cant-i-disable-it-for-account-management)

(Update: Starting from 30 November 2022, the broker will impose 2FA on all accounts for the trading session and therefore 2FA could no longer be disabled. User would require to re-login to IB Gateway once a week on Monday to re-establish the session with 2FA and the session will persists through the entire week)


If the disconnection happens outside of these hours (or you have 2FA enabled for trading session) please re-login to the VM via the following steps when it happens:

1. Navigate to robotrader.piranhaprofits.com and login your RoboRay account.

2. Navigate to Dashboard page after login

3. Click 'Access Roboray' button to open RoboRay dashboard

4. Under RoboRay website dashboard, navigate to your VM by clicking "Access your VM" button

5. If the IB login prompt already appears, simply type your IB details and login. If the IB process is not running, launch the IB Driver and login with IB details.



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