What are the premium features and benefits I’ll receive when I enroll into WA Options LIVE Masterclass Package?

The premium features and benefits exclusively for graduates of WA Options Masterclass are: 

1) LIVE interaction with our trainer Bang to help engage you better in learning and to have your questions answered first-hand and in person.

2) 2-Volume Hardcopy Course Manuals couriered to your door-step (anywhere in the world).

3) Most updated content/strategies and trading examples because Masterclass is conducted LIVE

4) Full recordings of all 24+ hours of LIVE Masterclass

5) UNLIMITED Re-attendance of LIVE Masterclass (all inclusive, zero extra charge)

6) LIVE-Trading with Bang on Day 3 and Day 6 of LIVE Masterclass using strategies you've freshly learnt from lessons

7) Dedicated exclusive Telegram trade discussion Group only for the community of the LIVE Masterclass

8) Monthly eLIVE-trading and eGathering (LIVE) with our trainer Bang and all the graduates of the Options LIVE Masterclass

9) Full recordings of all previous Monthly eLIVE-trading and eGathering Sessions since April 2020

10) Access to all of Options Online Video Lessons and Bonuses for both Ironshell (L1) and Iron Striker (L2) included in LIVE  Masterclass Package